Math is a way of knowing the world. Feeling competent in math is empowering for all students. Sunnybrook recognizes that engaging every student in learning math can be a challenge, and SBS has successfully addressed this challenge with the Singapore Mathematics Curriculum. This internationally recognized program has proven effective in teaching math and maintaining Singaporeʼs top standing in international assessments of student learning in mathematics. Using this approach to teaching mathematics, Singapore has consistently placed in the top 3 countries in both the TIMSS and the PISA studies. More importantly, Singapore Math engages students and grows confidence through unique strategies that build from year to year, using methods that teach why as well as how math works.
Concept–based, engaging, enriched, Singapore Math is the basis of our math curriculum from JK to Grade 6. Using a unique system of model drawing for numerical problem solving, Singapore Math empowers our students as they approach ever more challenging math problems. The program builds strong fundamentals as students move effortlessly from one level to the next and master new concepts in a continuum of learning. They progress from hands-on/manipulatives to visual/pictorial representation to abstract concepts..

In Singapore Math classes students are actively engaged with meaningful numeracy learning and problem solving. Skills and numeracy facts are learned and practiced in the 3 steps described above. Wherever possible, technology supports the learning in math class. Ongoing cumulative review of skills and concepts ensures enduring mastery.
Since implementing the Singapore Math program, we have witnessed a dramatic increase in confidence in mathematics in our students. The program’s fresh approach to math has empowered our students and they respond with a renewed enthusiasm for math class. It is our belief that Singapore Math fosters a positive attitude and confidence in the learning of mathematics, as well as higher overall achievement.

2024 Mathematica Centrum Honour Roll
The whole SBS community offers our congratulations to students in grades 4, 5 & 6 for their placement in the 2024 Mathematica Centrum Honour Roll!
- Grade 4: SBS placed 12th out of 294 schools, with two students earning 4th place out of 6,788 participants!
- Grade 5: SBS placed 6th out of 386 schools, with SBS students earning 2nd, 3rd and 4th places out of 8,141 participants!
- Grade 6: SBS placed 22nd out of 405 schools, with one of our students earning 4th place out of 9,554 participants!