Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking are important skills that can be applied to all subjects and help shape an individual’s growth mindset. The emphasis on critical and creative thinking in the context of inquiry based learning differentiates the IB curriculum from other curriculum models, and IB students develop a remarkable capacity in this area of their learning.  Our classroom settings and our learning activities are designed to promote engagement, questioning, curiosity and creative thinking. 

The Importance of Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking Skills 

• Creativity helps build critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When students are allowed to express themselves creatively, they will encounter situations that require critical thinking to solve. This helps them hone those skills without forcing them to complete specific critical thinking or problem-solving exercises.

• Being creative allows students to learn to express themselves. When specific instructions or step-by-step directions are not restricting them, students have an opportunity to discover their interests and passions. They can decide to use their favourite colours or think outside the box when writing down their ideas. This helps them embark on a journey of self-discovery and learn to be proud of the person that they are.

• Creativity-building exercises make learning fun. Young children spend a lot of time learning what the rules are, and they spend a lot of energy abiding by those rules. When they can be free to express themselves while learning, they will feel less restricted. They will grow to love the process of learning.

• When students are given the opportunity to be creative, they feel a sense of accomplishment in what they produce. Young students will be more proud of their work when they feel it is truly theirs.

• Creativity-building exercises encourage students to take risks, make mistakes and keep trying. Teachers who give students the freedom to make their own choices while completing their work or playing in the classroom also provide them with the freedom to take risks. They quickly learn that perseverance is the key to success.

Rashmi Tourani, “How IB PYP Fosters Creativity in Young Learners