The Grade Six PYP Exhibition is the culminating project of the PYP Program. The Exhibition is a full unit of inquiry into a real world issue, decided on by the grade six students themselves, which leads to Exhibition Day when the class presents the results of their inquiry to the entire school community. The Exhibition is a chance for students to utilize all of the Approaches To Learning: their social, self-management, thinking, research, and communication skills, in one in-depth inquiry into an issue which has captured their curiosity and desire to effect change in the world. Students conduct original research through expert interviews, surveys, and experiments, and often go out into the community to explore their topic.
An integral part of the Exhibition unit is the Action Plan, in which students propose and execute an action to address the issue they are inquiring into. Some examples of actions initiated by grade six students for their Exhibition are letter writing campaigns, fundraising initiatives, petitions, clothing drives, meals for a homeless shelter, tree planting, and educational awareness campaigns. The Exhibition is an opportunity for tremendous academic and personal growth in our grade sixes, as they work in small groups to research, plan, act, and present on the results of their inquiry. It is remarkable to witness what these students are capable of, given the opportunity to pursue their own interests and effect the change they want to see in the world.