OurKids.net Reviews

Trusted by families since 1998, OurKids.net compares Sunnybrook School to similar school in the GTA and offers in-depth, objective reviews & perspectives that can help parents just like you make the best decision for their children.

Read the Complete Our Kids review of Sunnybrook School.

Published as a 60-page book and available to read online at OurKids.net.

Children who begin school in JK or SK at Sunnybrook thrive throughout their school careers.

Our students love school; we achieve this by creating a full educational experience that develops the whole child. A variety of enrichment activities lend a sense of fun to the learning and the school day. Reaching out into the community, interacting with children in different grades, and a wealth of creative, physical, social activities all contribute to a holistic school experience.

Next Open House is April 2, 2025

Starting in Kindergarten

The first years of school should be full of delight – the magic of learning, the thrill of mastering new skills, the joy of building friendships, the pleasure in active play outdoors, and the delight in growing independence. Children who begin school in JK or SK at Sunnybrook thrive throughout their school careers.

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