At Sunnybrook we are committed in supporting our students to be socially responsible. Our students learn by example to take care of our planet and do their part to help with climate change. Our units of inquiry lend themselves so that at an early age, they learn about their responsibilities to our planet and how to take action. One of our Grade 6 students Kira, has created her own company, WindyPine Co. Kira is interested in the impacts of climate change and pollution on our world. Kira has created many sustainable products – from block print artwork to cards, t-shirts and more collections to come. To add to her mission, Kira is donating a portion of her product sales towards the growth of the Sunnybrook School Smart Forest through Canada Forest Trust. At Sunnybrook, we offset our carbon emissions by families donating seedlings to the CFT. We are proud of this initiative and that the students are learning about their impact through calculating their carbon footprint and also the importance of taking responsibility and making a difference. Canada Forest Trust interviewed Kira on her accomplishments as a young entrepreneur. See Article blog post here.
Not only has Kira created her own business but she is also a leader on the green team at SBS. The Green Team proposes initiatives for our Ecoschool project. Last year Sunnybrook became an Ecoschool at the Bronze level and we are hoping to reach the gold level this year. With the help of students at Sunnybrook, we hope to help the future of our planet one step at a time.